When I look at my statistics concerning the files read on my site, I notice that few people look at my two files -Dolphin Alphabet- and -Whale Alphabet- it's a pity! Yet it is a precious and useful help to get information or references about cetaceans.
For more than 10 years now, I have been working on these two files to enrich and improve them and make them easier to read for all audiences.
But how does it work?

Just choose a word and you'll get quick information about it.
- For example, take the word - Rehabilitation - in one of the two files Alphabet of dolphins or whales. This one is in the dolphin alphabet.
In Word, you click on - Edition - then - Search -, type your word and check - Whole word - finally - Next -. You will get the word directly in alphabetical order. It is very simple. From there, you get all the references I got in my readings (books, press articles, reports, ....) to help you in your answer. You have the page number, the title of the book in italics, the author and the date of edition.
- Let's take a second example. The word of the whale -Mesoplodon densirostris- ( Blainville's beaked whale) in the alphabet of the whales. You go to -Edition - then - Search -, write your word and check - Whole word - finally - Next -. The word appears.
The goal is to bring you recent or old data on a word you would like to have results on. I don't know of anyone who has had the idea to create such a valuable file. It will simplify your life when you are looking for a document in the library, bookstores or when you want to order a certain document.
Obviously, it was my choice to decide which word would be in either alphabet. I didn't want to have the same word in both alphabets. Or if it is, it is specifically for that species of whale or dolphin. Also, this is only for my personal bibliography and not any other. So, obviously you can't have all the references noted. It's up to you to choose them.
I apologize in advance for the fact that the file is on PC (Word) and not MAC. If a page number is wrong or my information is wrong or if I have forgotten a valuable indication in the book, please tell me and I will correct it immediately.
In any case, know that it will help you in your knowledge and save you time.
Good research!
Montreal - Quebec/Canada - January 2006.
Julien Marchal