Sunday, 8 September 2024 05:08 AM EDT

Right whale mission (August 2020)

As a deckhand, I took part in the Right Whale (Eubalaena glacialis) mission in the Gulf of St. Lawrence with the MICS (Mingan Island Cetacean Study) and MARS (Marine Animal Response Society) research teams for REFORMAR.

Back on the water as Captain ! (June 2011)

I returned from the Dominican Republic to Canada in May.
After a few days in Montreal, I went straight to Quebec City. I had to complete a mandatory Level 2 training course (I had the first) entitled -Formation d'Urgence en Mer - FUM A2- in order to navigate on the water.

When boaters harm whales... (August 2010)

I'm often asked whether boats disturb whales and interfere with their behaviour?
Of course, engine noise is a serious problem, and we haven't yet invented a silent engine, so it's hard to be quiet at sea!
