I would like to thank
those who have contributed in any way to my success:


My parents in Alsace, without them I would never have been able to contribute to my work and my travels. Thank you for trusting me! Without you, I am nothing! I love you !

* Sandra Marchal, my wife Christine Parris (who has been with me for 20 years) and our little mermaid: Saïna Parris Marchal, Pascal Correggio in Manosque and Sergio Cuerda in London, my cousin Phillippe/Philou Marchal and his family in Alsace, all my childhood friends: Gregoire Margotin , Benjamin Louis (since the age of 4 !), Damien Cixous, Boris Uebel, his wife Bénédicte Kirchner (and my cousin!) and their daughter, Laetitia Hiriart, Claude Haffner (and his daughter), Christian Kiefer, Christophe Ptak, Jean le "Coiffeur" (he has all my postcards since he was a child), Franck Schrafstetter who proposed to launch my web site more than 25 years ago, Karim Nariat (Montpellier) and Steve Elliot for the help in translation

* All those met at the Convent of Morsiglia (Corsica, Cap Corse).

* All those who helped me with my book: Natacha Bernal, André Martinez, Jean-Pierre Sidois (former director of S.O.S. Grand Bleu) who published all my articles and was able to collaborate with me for many years, Ali (A la mer A la mer) and his family from Grande-Motte, Geneviève and Jean-Philippe Legay, Stéphanie Raynaud, Christophe Guinet, Ali Soltanshahi from Esplanade, and Claude Amiel from the school of Sète and the university of Montpellier II. 


Daniela Decastro and her family.


(French West Indies)

Isabelle Chaperon and Jean-Marie Cuvillier who is no longer of this world.

Pelagos Sanctuary


Sigi Lueber (A.S.M.S, Switzerland).


Max-Olivier Bourcoud (Swiss Cetacean Society), Gérard and his schooner Chundra Lela and Gilles Martin and his boat Coeruleoalba.


Yvon Godefroid (NGO, Dauphins libres et dauphins captifs), unfortunately deceased, who had published my report on the Parc Asterix and fought against captivity and Jean Mois (La Baleine Libre).

Mauritius and Rodrigues

Mrs. Manilkhan and Delphine Legay (ex-director of Ceta Squale), a great thought for this scientist whose work on cetaceans I helped, unfortunately disappeared too early in the middle of the dolphins. 

* For those who helped me with my book: Geneviève and Jean-Philippe Legay.



Flavia Azevedo and her family, who had the patience and kindness to transmit to me the tradition, the culture and the love of the island of Pico, the Town Hall of Lajes do Pico, the director and the staff of the museum for their documentation and explanation and Rithinia, former whaler, telling me about his exploits with a "gin-tonic" and a typical dish prepared with love by his wife.


Alexandre Videcoq.


(East and West)

Robert Michaud and all his team from G.R.E.M. (Tadoussac) in 2000, Paul Spong and all the team from ORCALAB (BC) in 1997, Régina Flores, Jeannot Bélanger (sadly deceased) and his dog Kim, Monique Bélanger, Dominique Emond, Colette Morin (deceased in 2022) on Bergeronnes, Hugues Desrochers (Chief Captain and trainer at Essipit), Suzie Gagnon, Mathilde Paré-Désilets and Brian Cox.

* For those who helped me with my book: Elise Massé and Christine Gilliet.

French Polynesia

The families in Teapata, Tamati (with Sonia) and Hugo on Rangiroa, Oliver Martin from Bora-Bora and Moana from Rangiroa.

A small tribute to Mr Rich (former Photorep store in Strasbourg) for having launched me in photography, rest in peace.

* In memory of : Benoit Mariau, Yvon Godefroid, Delphine Legay, Jeannot Bélanger and Kim, Jean-Marie Cuvillier, Mme Manilkhan, Colette Morin and Jean-Paul Marchal.

* To those I haven't heard from yet: Yusuf Ibrahim and Laurent Wolff.

Without forgetting, all the mammals and marine animals met since 25 years...
...you motivate my life!
