Hello to all,
I am a member of the association since 1997 S.O.S Big Blue. Its office is located in the beautiful village of Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat (France), not far from Nice and Ville franche sur mer. It has just celebrated its 20 years of existence.
Its president, René Vestri, had the idea of creating the association in 1989 to raise public awareness about the massacre of cetaceans in the Mediterranean. Then, it was at the base of the project of a sanctuary in the Mediterranean between Monaco, France and Italy, called PELAGOS. Its actions continued against driftnets by limiting their length and then their total ban in 2002. Their first action against the captivity of dolphins in zoos (dolphinariums) started in 1995 to intervene against the opening in Cadaquès in Spain of this type of center. It never opened.
Other projects have been successful since its inception.

I knew the association in 1996, or maybe before, but in direct relation during the year 1997. Indeed, this year was very active because I went to British Columbia (Western Province of Canada) to work with orcas (Orcinus orca). I saw these magnificent animals in their natural environment. We had observed the family of CORKY, this orca was captured in the 60's for an American zoo. He is currently rotting in the tank in San Diego. I could never have imagined that we could put an animal of this size in an enclosure! As soon as I came back to France, I went to the Asterix Park attraction (North of Paris, France) as an aquarium technician to work in a tank containing 6 dolphins. I wanted to have my personal opinion about the conditions of captivity for marine mammals. Of course the team did not know. For this, I had to go and see with my own eyes the bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus), perhaps smaller, but present in my country. I had contacted Mr. Jean-Pierre Sidois, Director of SOS Grand Bleu, to know his opinion and especially the risks involved. My idea was to photograph and to tell in a report everything I would see during 2 months. The association had a whole team of lawyers to cover me in case of a legal claim. Jean-Pierre and I stayed in touch by phone during and after my experience in this park. Our relationship has remained steadfast since that day. What I saw was terrible and allowed me to testify at conferences, in front of the press, scientists, students and enthusiasts. A few years later I created my website.
During my stay in Montpellier, I participated in the traditional Gala evening organized by the association in 2001 (if my memory is good). I spent one night in Nice, then the next day I went to Cape Town and came back to Montpellier in the evening. During the meeting explaining the results and the balance sheet of the previous year (2000), I had the right to a tribute and applause due to my presence and the work accomplished to protect the marine mammals. I was very moved. Unfortunately I have two regrets: not to return to this gathering and not to be able to help them on the spot.
I have always supported the association despite the distance and I remain faithful. I have met associations that are not serious, thieving and not efficient (read the article on Island Expedition). For me, this one is one of the best French NGO for its Mediterranean activity, and all their actions deserve our support. In short, I can sponsor whoever wants to by writing to me at my email address or you can go directly on the web of the NGO:
See you next time. Bye.
Rangiroa - French Polynesia - December 2009
Julien Marchal