What a mind-blowing exit!
Dear visitors,
For over 15 years I have been on the water observing marine mammals. I have known incredible outings in my past and the one of Tuesday July 03, 2012 is to remember.
I had a Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) and a fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) eating krill (small shrimp) around my boat! Both were surface feeding with their mouths wide open!
This was the first time I witnessed two different species of whales eating the same food in a small area and so close to my boat. Tourists were amazed at the spectacle on both sides and that they came so close.
The photographs of tourists will come soon.
In short, I love my job and this place in Canada is unique.
Have a good week. Sincerely.
Les Bergeronnes, Qc, Canada, July 2012.
Julien Marchal