Hello to all,
It's been a week since I arrived in the "Dominican Republic" and already 6 sea trips.
As promised the humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) begins to arrive in the sanctuary of the bay of Samanà.
Their behavior at sea is fascinating. This place is a site of reproduction and birth.
Regulations in the marine park require several things:
- 3 boats maximum on one or a group of whales.
- 30 minutes on site.
- a distance of 50 meters between the boat and the whale or group.
- forbidden to swim with her.
When I work on the boat of Kim BeddallIt is difficult to film or photograph them because I am busy.
However, I will try to do it at the end of the season, when the whales will be more numerous.

See you soon.
Dominican Republic - Samaná - January 2011.
Julien Marchal