Thursday, 16 May 2024 09:40 PM EDT

How whales make love (November 2012)

We men walk upright. To begin with, we raise our eyes to the blue sky above us, standing as straight as possible. Then we put one foot in front of the other, then the other, then the other, and so on, indefinitely.

First Echo Whale Alliance meeting of the year (April 2012)

Yesterday I was invited to the first meeting of the "Echo Whale Alliance" near my village. My director of the company ESSIPIT had asked me to join him because I am for the first time present in the region. The company I work with on the river is a member of this group.

Am I changing my ethics or not? (April 2012)

Récemment, j’ai effectué une formation maritime afin de travailler l’hiver pour des compagnies privées. Des équipes sont envoyées sur place pour analyser l’environnement et faire de la prospection en mer ou sur la côte. Je serais donc Observateur pour les mammifères marins et de noter leur dérangement.

Training for "Marine Mammal Observer and Passive Acoustics Operator (MMO)"!

Je fais une formation de 6 jours dans mon domaine à Grande-Rivière (Gaspésie, Québec – Canada) car celle-ci est Importante. Le thème du cours est “Observateur de mammifères marins (OMM) et opérateur de système d’acoustique passive”, plus connu en anglais par “Marine Mammal Observer” – MMO.

Captain "Eco-responsible" for this summer!

My 2011 season in Canada as a whale watching boat captain will have a new beginning. Indeed, the boat companies and the local authorities have published a "Guide of eco responsible practices for boat captains".
