Hello to all,
I am doing a 6-day training in my field in Grande-Rivière (Gaspésie, Québec - Canada) because it is important. The theme of the course is "Marine Mammal Observer (MMO) and Passive Acoustic System Operator"more known in English as "Marine Mammal Observer (MMO)” .
Indeed, I need to complete my skills and be able to work in winter in international waters. The objectives of this course are to recognize the observation protocol and identify marine mammal species acoustically.
I had participated in the recording of dolphin sounds in the Mediterranean and in Canada (British Columbia), but I was never able to work in this specialty.
This course is being given for the first time in Canada outside of my summer season, which is why I wanted to take it. I hope to get a contract as soon as October 2012 after my season on the water.
Marine mammal observation network
Have a good week. Best wishes.
Grande-Rivière - Gaspésie, Quebec - March 2012.
Julien Marchal