Hello to all,
For the 2016 season, just one thing: rare whales!
Initially, I was only going to do replacements on the water as a
as captain. In the end, I found myself on the water every weekend.
My sighting of 2 right whales was the highlight of the summer. A rare sighting here. First time for me.
Then seeing the humpback whale open its mouth to feed is always a pleasure.
Last but not least, a visit from my friend Régina (whom I've met since
in 1997 in Canada (BC) with orcas) for the first time on my boat was extraordinary.
I want to thank my family, friends, customers and the Marine Park for sharing their memories and photographs.
No photos may be copied or published without their permission. Thank you very much.
Photographs All rights reserved
North Atlantic right whales (Eubalaena glacialis):
Félix Ledoux and Loeiz Patte Garde Parc - Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park www.parcmarin.qc.ca
Photographs Copyright/All Rights Reserved
Marine Mammal Research and Education Group (GREMM) info@gremm.org
Photographs Copyright/All Rights Reserved
Humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) from the Quenneville family and a fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) by Tom Walter
My friend Régina and her family:
Les Escoumins - Quebec/Canada, November 2016.
Julien Marchal