Dear visitors,
From June to the end of September 2012, I spent 348 hours (174 trips) in a zodiac on the St. Lawrence River. Five more trips than in 2011.
This season, the weather has been exceptional, especially in July and August.
Concerning cetaceans, few fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) but up to six humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) and about ten blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus) during 10 days! I remember some very nice trips, among which two magnificent ones:
- a fin whale and a humpback whale eating "mouth wide open" around my boat for almost an hour. There was an abundance of krill at that time. I had never seen these two species eating together!
- and, the meeting of three blue whales colliding face to face in front of my boat! an incredible duel of which my testimony interested many scientists. A rare behavior! Possibly between two males and a female.
But this season 2012 is undoubtedly the one of the humpback whale nicknamed "Blizard" or "Snow White", which arrived around mid-May and is still present at this date. She was active almost every time we went out and delighted our guests. Thank you!
I asked the passengers for souvenir photos, then I selected 34 personally and only of humpback and blue whales
Here they are:
A V.I.P. known in France as a journalist, clients, and me

All these photographs have a copyright, in case of copy or order, you must contact me.
These pictures are great! thanks to all of you and maybe you will come back on my boat next year! for the visitors of my site, I hope it will force you to come?
On my side I leave my element and will have to wait for the 2013 season.
Thank you all.
Les Bergeronnes - Quebec, Canada, October 2012
Julien Marchal
Diary of the 2010 to 2015 season with Essipit Cruises - :